And there's a Trade button too, that's pretty Fallouty! It's not quite so retro as to give you a dictionary full of useless 'Nope, never heard of HELLO.' keywords like in Martian Dreams, but it's been a while since I've stared at blocks of text like this. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s got a very retro-seeming conversation system.

My mission in this first person shooter is to locate and kill a man who's sole distinguishing feature is that he uses a gun.

If you're curious: "Стрелок" ('strelok') is Russian for "shooter", "soldier", "gunman". In the absence of any sane ideas, you might as well unquestioningly accept any orders you receive no matter the source, right? In fact, based on the message from the intro, the Marked One has helpfully added two simple objectives to the otherwise empty Tasks screen. But that's exactly what happened and I don't know that stuff! It keeps track of exactly what I'm supposed to be doing 'so if you die somebody else knows why and how'. Or I could accept his offer of a very useful fully-voiced tutorial instead, walking me through all the functions of the PDA. I'm locked in the room until I accept his offer of a mission. Which I suppose is exactly what just happened!)

(So folks know which game to return him to just in case he ever wanders off. Folks call him the 'Marked One' on account of the big 'S.T.A.L.K.E.R.' tattoo on his arm. My guy has nothing to his name except his jacket, his boots, his PDA, and a wicked case of computer game amnesia.